Abstract Submission

Abstract Submission


Protecting Pets, Wildlife & Endangered Species

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Abstract Categories

Technology Innovation

Technology Innovation

Technology Innovation sessions features new developments or advancements in various fields of technology that have the potential to bring about significant improvements in our daily lives, industries, and society.

These new developments or advancements often involve the application of scientific knowledge and creativity to create new products, processes, or systems.

Industry Insights


Industry Insights sessions features valuable information, data and knowledge about the gas industry. These insights are often used by businesses, policymakers, investors, and other stakeholders to make informed decisions, identify trends, and stay competitive.

Abstract Themes:

There are seven abstract submission themes for consideration when submitting your abstracts:

Abstract Theme

Theme 1

Supply, demand, market and prices


– Supply resilience

– Gas market reformation and price mechanism
– Impact of environmental policies on demand and pricing
– Investment
– Shaping regional trading platform

– Other areas

Theme 2

Gas narratives under the new context

– Shaping positive role of gas
– Promoting new energy system
– Promotion of gas to the public
– Promoting new policies, mechanisms and standards
– Smart energy
– Poverty alleviation
– Zero hunger
– Affordable and clean energy
– Economic growth
– Sustainable environmental and social governance (ESG) Performance
– Coping with extreme weather
– Other areas

Theme 3

New momentum for LNG


 Natural gas liquification technology  
– LNG storage and transportation
– LNG regasification
– LNG utilisation scheme innovation
– Carbon neutral LNG and its certification
– LNG trading and market mechanism
– Cryogenic energy utilisation

– Other areas

Theme 4

Digital transformation


– Best practices of optimising gas value chain by digital methods

– Opportunities and challenges of digitalization for energy enterprises
– Digital transformation of cross-sector cooperation
– Enhancing the application of data science and AI in the industry
– Data and cyber security

– Other areas

Theme 5

New gases in energy transition


– Hydrogen

– Synthetic methane
– Biomethane
– Ammonia
– CC(U)S application

– Other areas

Theme 6

Methane emission mitigation 


– Best practice of methane emission mitigation in upstream sector
– Best practice of methane emission mitigation in gas infrastructure and end use applications
– Advanced technologies in emission monitoring, quantification and mitigation
– Monitoring, reporting and verification
– Methane emission mitigation international cooperation
– Methane emission mitigation methodology
– Emission factor research
– Other areas

Theme 6

Best practices through the whole value chain


Seize the Opportunity to Showcase your Research to the Global Gas Community!

We are offering gas professionals working across the gas value chain the opportunity to submit your research, showcase and be acknowledged at the World Gas Conference 2025.